1999年國際排球總會大幅修改排球規則,包括:比賽使用彩色球,計分採得球得分方式(rally point system),指專司防守的自由球員(libero),加重不當行為的處罰等,對排球的競賽產生極大的衝擊。其中,以計分方式的改變對比賽時間、得分結構、比賽結果的影為最。新賽制施行以來,研究分析發現排球比賽的時間短縮,節奏加快,競爭激烈,競賽強度也因之提高;運動員處於高度緊張的狀態,心理壓力倍增;且失球即失分,對球員的技、戰術及全方位的競技能力的要求也大幅度的提高。排球競技狀況雖然疋變,但很多研究指出,得球得分制對亞洲各並非全然不利,亞洲運員技術細緻,一次進攻的水平較高,得分機會也高;失誤減少有利於亞洲隊戰術的實施。我國在1998年曼谷亞運加強排球的肌力、體能及全方位的技戰術訓練,擊敗日本強敵,取得銅牌,不僅創下歷史新頁亦為國內的排球發展奠定了良好的基礎。為提供我國排球訓練發展藍圖,本文針對新制排球之運動競賽特徵、發展,俾為建構2006年亞運會排球運動肌力及體能訓練多年週期年度訓練計之參考。
Studies reveal that the physical and psychological demands on training and competition have been greatly increased ever since the implication of new regulation in 1999. To enhance the elite volleyball player's total capabilities, this paper bases on the evidences and characteristics of energy metabolism, specific physical fitness, skills, and tactics, psychological and physiological factors of volleyball competition for the future construction of a scientific strength and power training program. The major competitions from the years of 2004 to 2006 were reviewed for the future construction of a qualitative and progressive overload strength and power training program for the 2006 Asian Games. It is expected that the selected strength and power training exercises may provide a sound base for the enhancement of training quality and outcome to the national volleyball team players.