The aims of this study was to discuss the effect of mental practice on tennis serve skill performance. There are 100 subjects (average height=167.3±9.72cm average weight=58.3±12.76kg average age=19.8±1.95yr) drawn from univ P.E class, and they never accepted any training of tennis skill before. They were assigned randomly into four groups, namely control practice group, physical practice group, mental practice group, and multipform practice. The experimental practice had lasted for four weeks and triple a week. The main tests of this study includes the forward test, backtest, and three-day test. they were used for estimating the subject's learning effect. The outcomes are analyzed with multi-way ANCOVA analysis. There are two points as following: 1. The mental practice benefits to the tennis serve skill performance and retetion. 2. The mental practice will have more effect on tennis serve with the body practice. 3. The mental practice benefits to the primary learner for learning tennis serve skill.