摘要: | 本研究目的主要在探討急速減重對柔道選手生理、生化值及運動能力的影響。受試者為7名參加「九十二年全國中正杯柔道錦標賽」之選手,其平均年齡21.14±1.34歲、平均身高162.57±4.28公分、平均體重64.14±8.88公斤、訓練時間3.71±1.11年、平均超重量5.29±7.5公斤。所有受試者均於減重前進行血、尿液樣本收集、最大攝氧量、最大心跳率及運動能力的檢測,並於四週減重訓練後進行相同的檢測,以觀察選手減重過程對體內生理及運動能力的影響,統計方式以t-test處理,顯著水準定為a=.05。研究結果發現:一、減重後生化值之變化情形,尿蛋白與血尿素皆達顯著的增加(p<.05);血紅蛋白與最大血乳酸值皆達顯著的下降(P<.05)。二、減重後生理值之變化情形,最大攝氣量與最大心跳率未達顯著的下降(P>.05)。三、減重後運動能力之變化情形,僅在1分鐘投技次數達顯著的增加(P<.05);其餘皆未達顯著變化(P>05)。本研究結論為:急速減重會對尿蛋白、血尿素、血紅蛋白生化值及最大血乳酸值造成顯著性的影響,對運動能力的影響,僅限於1分鐘投技次數。
This study is aimed to explore the effect of Judo contestant's rapid weight reductions on their physiological, biochemistry value and motor capacities. Subjects were 7 Judo players participated "2003 National Zhongzheng Cup Judo Championships Tournament". Their average age range, height range, training period range, overweigh range were 21.14±1.34 years, 162.57±4.28 cm. 64.14±8.88 kg, 3.71±1.11 years, 5.29±0.75 kg respectively. All players were determined their blood, urine biochemical value, max, oxygen uptake, max, heart rate and motor capacities before weight reduction. The same determinations had been done to observe the effect of players on physiological condition and motor capacities. The results after weight reduction showed: 1. Urine proteins and blood urea content were both increased (p<0.05), hemoglobin and max, blood lactate content decreased (p<0.05). 2. The max, oxygen uptake and max, heart rate decreased no obviously (p>0.05). 3. The variation of motor capacities: Nage-Waza frequency of players increased (p<0.05) within one minute. Conclusions of the study are that the rapid weight reductions of players effects their urine protein, blood urea content, hemoglobin biochemistry value and max, blood lactate state significantly (p<0.05). On the impact of motor capacities, Nage-Waza of players frequency increases (p<0.05) within one minute. |