The study unfolds the uncontrollable life of me. It sets out a personal story based on the impact from series of changes in life. I reflected back and understood how my low-self esteem acted in a relationship. Through the process of the self- narrative, the reflections, the interpretations, the construction and the reconstruction, I tried to find the new precious life by reposition myself, using more completed status to keep on living.
Chapter one described the motivation and the purpose of this research. Chapter two is the literature review, followed by the methodology in chapter three. Chapter four is the researcher’s family stories and the comprehension after dialogues with her families and others. The fifth is the researcher’s life story, and the sixth is the reflections and discussion.
In the self-narrative process, I struggled in my inner world. I starts to comprehend my past life by a series of dialogues and reflection. The WEED is not alone now. By exploring entangled condition behind complicated emotion, I starts to re-understand families and re-establishes relationship between them. Cheers up for the tears, anger, helplessness, weakness, and avoidance she ever had.