摘要: | 施翠峰本名施振樞,1925年生於彰化鹿港,至今創作及研究不輟,內容橫跨兒童文學、文藝創作、民間文學、民俗學、文化人類學以及藝術理論與創作諸領域。其作品具現作者對台灣鄉土的使命與關懷。施翠峰以藝術專業最為人所熟知,但他也曾對民間文學的搜集與研究戮力甚深,並且影響了他在民俗學、文化人類學等方面的著述。本文擬自施翠峰的生平行歷入手,從中提取其與民間文學相關之諸活動,然後根據其以日文發表的《台灣の昔話》一書及其漢譯本,參考《臺灣民譚探源》中的故事與民間故事觀,並以分類法整理其各類作品中所有涉及民間故事的部分,希望藉此建構施翠峰於民間文學搜集、研究和運用等層面的價值及特色。
Shi, Ts’ui-feng, whose name at birth was Shi, Chen-shu, was born in LuKang at ChangHua County in 1925. Shi’s continuous writing and research, showing his interest to Taiwan local society, contains the fileds of children’s literature, literature, folk literature, folklore, cultural anthropology, art theory and literary creation. Shi, Ts’ui-feng is known in the art field; besides, he was devoted to the collection and research of folk literature, which influenced his writing on folklore and anthropology. This thesis plans to start at Shi, Ts’ui-feng’s life to figure out the connection of Shi and the activities related to folk literature. Furthermore, this thesis is also based on the Japanese version and Chinese version of the book 《The folktale of Taiwan (台灣の昔話)》, referrs to the stories and the viewpoint of folktales in 《Taiwan min tan tan yuan (臺灣民譚探源)》and applies taxonomy to all of Shi’s work involving folktales, which hope to acknowledge the value and characteristic of Shi, Ts’ui-feng’s contribution to folk literature collection, research and application. |