摘要: | 目的:探討武術散手運動體能測驗代表項目,編製預測迴歸方程式。方法:以19名大專男子武術散手選手為受試對象,年齡22.10±2.20歲,身高173.78±6.51公分,體重68.15±11.27公斤,根據散手體能特徵與專家之建議,編製24項體能測驗,共進行6次施測,採Pearson相關係數、Cronbach's α係數、逐步迴歸分析法進行各項統計(α=.05)。結果:立定三次跳、背肌力、10公尺×4次折返跑、3000公尺、潛艇式伏地挺身、兩腿前後分開、蹲後跳、屈膝仰臥起坐等8項,能有效預測21項體能T分數總和,R^2為.995(p<.05)。結論:1.本研究編製出立定三次跳(T(下標 C2))、背肌力(T(下標 A6))、10公尺×4次折返跑(T(下標 E1))、3000公尺(T(下標 D4))、潛艇式伏地挺身(T(下標 A1))、兩腿前後分開(T(下標 B6))、蹲後跳(T(下標 A7))、屈膝仰臥起坐(T(下標 A5))等8項為武術散手選手體能測驗代表項目。2.所得原始迴歸方程式:TT=61.243+4.214 T(下標 C2)+4.345 T(下標 A6)+3.571 T(下標 E1)+2.475 T(下標 D4)+3.013 T(下標 A1)+2.965 T(下標 B6)-2.974 T(下標 A7)+2.165 T(下標 A5),標準迴歸方程式:TT=0.301 T(下標 A6)+0.292 T(下標 C2)+0.248 T(下標 E1)+0.209 T(下標 A1)+0.206 T(下標 B6)-0.206 T(下標 A7)+0.172 T(下標 D4)+0.105 T(下標 A5),預測準確率達到99.5%,顯示此方程式可供武術散手選手在體能訓練實務之參考。
Purposes: To investigate the characteristics of physical fitness testing items, develop an equation for WuShu-SanShou (WS) contestants. Methods: The study was based on the suggestion of the specialists and characteristics of WS. Designed 24 physical fitness test items for 6 times testing. 19 WS contestants from a WS team of Chinese Culture University (CCU) were the volunteers for this study, mean age were 22.10±2.20 years, mean height were 173.78±6.51 cm, mean weight were 68.15±11.27 kg. The Pearson product-moment correlation, Cronbach's α, and stepwise regression analysis, were used to analyze data. The significant level was set at α=.05. Results: There were 8 testing items that standing triple jump, back strength, 10 m×4 shuttle run, 3000 m run, push-ups, front split, squat thrust, and bent-knee sit-ups, can be forecasted total 21 items T scores (p<.05). Conclusions: 1. The study of construction with 8 testing items that standing triple jump (T(subscript C2)), back strength (T(subscript A6)), 10 m×4 shuttle run (T(subscript E1)), 3000 m run (T(subscript D4)), push-ups (T(subscript A1)), front split (T(subscript B6)), squat thrust (T(subscript A72)), and bent-knee sit-ups (T(subscript A5)), were the physical fitness test items for WS contestants. 2. The original equation were TT=61.243+4.214 T(subscript C2)+4.345 T(subscript A6)+3.571 T(subscript E1)+2.475 T(subscript D4)+3.013 T(subscript A1)+2.965 T(subscript B6)-2.974 T(subscript A7)+2.165 T(subscript A5), the standard equation were TT=0.301 T(subscript A6)+0.292 T(subscript C2)+0.248 T(subscript E1)+0.209 T(subscript A1)+0.206 T(subscript B6)-0.206 T(subscript A7)+0.172 T(subscript D4)+0.105 T(subscript A5) , the predicted accuracy was 99.5% indicating good equation that can be referred in WS contestants training. |