本文旨在對浪漫時期德國作曲家布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms1833-1897)的晚期鋼琴作品編號一一八及一一九的樂曲演奏版本進行比較。在進行版本比較時,筆者除了比較不同鋼琴家的演奏時間之外,也針對同一首樂曲可能呈現的詮釋風貌延伸比較;並發覺不同鋼琴家對同一首樂曲的詮釋常見其特出的見解,即使是同一個演奏家對同一首樂曲的解讀,也會因為時間的流逝而展露不同韻味。對於鋼琴家及音樂科系鋼琴主修的同學而言,浪漫時期的鋼琴作品是值得研究探討的,尤其在演奏上除了自我表現之外,更應對樂壇上的大師詮釋多作了解,才能吸收各家所長,增益彈奏的詮釋能力。
The listening and comparison of different pianists' performance, in my opinion, is one of the most important study fields for piano players. For pianists and students, Brahms' piano works are charming but difficult to perform well. Based on the opinion, piano works in Romantic period are well worth playing and investigatiog. The study intend to suggest people who play the piano listening more performance as more as possible. In this way, piano players may enhance their esthetic sense in piano works playing and increase the playing variety.