銀合歡在南台灣大量繁殖,己造成生態入侵而嚴重威脅墾丁國家公園內原生植物的生存,因此銀合歡入侵監測成爲墾丁國家公園的重要保育課題。本研究於銀合歡入侵區域,設置22個地面調查樣區,利用重要值指數(IVI)及雙向指標種分析,得知銀合歡入侵,依入侵程度不同可分爲埔姜-銀合歡型(vitex negundo-Leucaena leuococephala type)、相思樹-銀合歡型(Acacia confuse-Leucaena leuococephala type)及七里香-銀合歡型(Murraya paoiculata-Leucaena leuococephala type)三型,而主要伴生樹種爲相思樹、埔姜、土密樹、蟲屎等。本研究利用航空照片進行人工判釋,以建立墾丁國家公園內不同入侵程度之銀合歡分布圖,得知利用航空照片進行銀合歡不同入侵程度之判釋實爲可行。利用國家公園土地使用分區圖層進行套疊分析,於不同土地利用分區之銀合歡入侵程度有所差異,其中一般管制區因人爲活動頻繁,入侵程度最高,佔墾丁國家公園39.63%,其餘之入侵程度皆在0.22%~7.63%之閒,顯示銀合歡入侵與土地開發程度具有密切相關。藉由前人研究之比較,墾丁國家公園之銀合歡入侵仍有擴張之趨勢。
In southern Taiwan, the great propagation of the Leucaena leuococephala has already caused the ecological invasion and threatened the existence of the native vegetation species. Therefore, to monitor the invasion of leucocephala is an important conservation issue in Kenting National Park. In this study, 22 ground field plots were set up in the leucocephala invasion areas. Important value index (IVI) and Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) were used. According to the levels of invasion of leucocephala that can be divided into three forest types: Vitex negundo-Leucaena leuococephala type, Acacia confuse-Leucaena leuococephala type and Murraya paniculata-Leucaena leuococephala type. The companion plants are Acacia confuse, Vitex negundo, Bridelia monoica, and Melanolepis multiglandulosa. In this study, we used aerial photos by manual interpretation to establish different invasion levels for leucocephala map in Kenting National Park, which indicated that it is feasible to differentiate the invasion levels by aerial photos. Using the land use layer to conduct overlay analysis would show different invasion levels by different land use types. Besides the general protected areas where human activities are frequently found and about 39.63% area were invaded by leucocephala in this area, the invasion of the other land use types were only about 0.22% to 7.63%. The results have shown that invasion of lucocephala has highly related to land use condition. From the comparisons with previous studies, we infer the leucocephala still has the tendency to spread out in Kenting National Park.