電腦輔助教學已廣泛的被學術單位來用於第二語言學習與發展的工具。隨著電腦科技的進步與優勢,電腦輔助語言教學(Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 簡稱CALL)已被視為是一種不受空間及時間限制的語言學習工具。研究是針對大學體育系的128位學生進行的一項實驗。由於體育系學生常因比賽而請公假,導致失去了上課的機會。有鑑於此,本研究針對此類學生,利用電腦輔助語言學習的方式,讓所有參加本項研究的學生能不受請假及缺課影響而妨礙其英語學習。結果顯示電腦輔助語言學習系統能增進學生在字彙及閱讀方面的能力。並且,此系統也能讓學生有更正面的英文學習態度,以及減低英語學習時所產生的焦慮。
Computer assisted language learning (CALL) programs have been widely employed in academic institutes for the development and acquisition of the second language skills. A major development in CALL programs has been the expanded use of the computer as a medium of communication. Indeed, with rapid advances in the computing technologies, CALL programs become efficient and effective language learning tools. This study primarily examines the integration of CALL programs and college level second language acquisition. Specifically, this report presents the case study of how technology enhanced learning tools assist students in college varsity teams who frequently face disruptive class schedule. The findings suggest that the use of CALL programs significantly improve the overall performance of language learning and is able to compensate the detrimental effects of disruptive schedules. The CALL programs are able to extend the continuity of the classroom material and promote students' interest of learning. The analysis also shows that students who utilized tutorial CALL programs frequently observed significant improvements on Freshmen English Proficiency test. This result demonstrates that CALL programs can be effectively integrated into the language learning process and serve as a powerful language learning tool. Moreover, observations suggest that students who utilized CALL programs generally developed a more positive attitude toward the acquisition of a second language, and display less learning anxiety.