消費者對於流行的敏感度常來自於生活型態的影響,更會因其金錢態度的不同而使得購買力大不相同;不同的消費者對服裝屬性也有不同的需求。本研究於北、中、南地區採百貨公司便利抽樣法收集問卷,探討消費者的生活型態、金錢態度、服飾產品屬性與服飾消費行為的關係。研究對象以18至30歲的Y世代消費者為主,共蒐集了300份有效問卷。資料分析含敘述統計、因素分析、信度分析、相關分析與差異分析。研究結果發現(1)消費者的生活型態、金錢態度與服飾產品屬性三者之間有顯著的正向關係;另外,消費者的金錢態度與生活型態對服飾消費行為也有顯著正向關係。然而服飾產品屬性差異則與消費者的消費行為沒有顯著的關係。(2)人口統計中的「性別」、「年齡」會影響某部份的生活型態與金錢態度;消費者「有無工作」的差異會顯示在其對產品屬性需求的不同上, 而「月收入」與「可支配金額」則對消費者的金錢態度、服飾產品屬性造成影響。
Consumers, lifestyle may inf1uce their fashion sensetive, and the difference of their money attitude may effect their purchase decision. ln addition, the different needs of consumers may effect their preference of apparel attributes while purchase apparel. The purpose of this study is to probe the relationships among Y generation consumers’ lifestyle, money attitudes, consumers preference of apparel attributes and their shopping behavior. The mall-interceted method was used to collect data for this research, total 300 useable quesionnaires were collected from respondents who living in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung cities with age between 18 to 30 years old. Desciptive statistic was used first to understand the data structure, follow by factor analysis and reliability analysis. The multi-variance analysis was used to examine the demogrphic variables difference and pearson correlation analysis was used to probe the correlations among research variables. The results found: (1) There are sinificant positive relationships among consumers' lifestyle, money attitdue, and apparel attributes. Additionaly, consumers' money attitude and lifestyle had significant positive relationships with consumers apparel shopping behavior. However, consumers apparel attributes preference had no significant correlation whth their apparel shopping behavior. (2) The demographic variables of gender and age had significant effect of their apparel shopping consumer behavior, not only in lifestyle, but also in money attitude and apparel attributes preference. Consumers' employment status had significant effect of their apparel attribute preference. The monthly income and allowance level had significant influence of consumers' money attitude and apparel attributes preference.