「陽明山地區地質資料庫之建置」係中國文化大學理學院獲國科會90年度提昇私校研發能量專案計畫「自然科學資料庫與自然科學實驗室之建立及其應用」子計畫二:「陽明山地區地質資料庫之建立」在地質圖部份除了完成彙整陽明山地區地質圖之圖層外,我們另依礦物資源賦存之種類新建立了金屬、非金屬及能源等三個圖層。這四個圖層均以Arc View地理資訊系統軟體建置,除具有資料庫的可讀性與完整性外,尚兼備了未來的應用性。在野外露頭柱狀剖面圖部份計有四處描繪剖面,並說明了在不同火山亞群中各個火山噴發層序的形成過程及地質意義。
The main purpose of this study is to integrate the reports, especially of geologic maps, economic minerals and the stratigraphic column sections studied by other geologists. We establish the geologic databank by using the Arc-View software. The results include 3 brand- new layers (metallic mineral deposits, non-metallic mineral deposits and energy resources) and several stratigraphic sections from different volcanic sub-group outcrops. Not only these sections show the stratigraphic sequences of each volcanic sub-group but also provide the different genetic evidences of pyroclastics. Another concerned is the hydrothermal alteration of geothermal areas. The detailed geologic data will be established in the further study.