Nanotechnology has finally emerged out of the intangible horizon into our community, society, and industry regardless of the unprepared workforce to back up the drive. This paper, examines the ideology of this new technology. We found its multidisciplinary connections and interdisciplinary interactions with other preceding sciences and technologies-quantum physics, molecular chemistry, biotechnology, materials science, and information technology, and also with other meta-disciplines-politics, culture, economy, and education. We confront such questions as: Will this new technology continue to flourish and create new economy or become bubbles? Will it bring hype or fear? To bring about positive answers, engineering education should play the key role of preparing a global workforce qualified in nanotech so as to lead this revolution of the century to a new enlightenment and profitable economy. The alternative will be unthinkable. Behind this challenging task, a profound ideology enforced with effective strategies which link across both the materials world and the living world should be the driving power and guide.