本計畫因應國際人道飼養之新式概念,擬蒐集先進國家在經濟動物福祉議題之發展訊息,並就我國已引進動物福祉概念生產模式之畜禽場, 就其動物生產及生理等表現進行評析,作為後續因應我國高溫高濕環境條件,研議發展本土化兼顧動物福祉之畜禽飼養模式調整策略之參考依據。本計畫以逐步提升動物福祉,與世界潮流相接軌為目標,包含動物福祉評估指標之研析,兼顧動物福祉之畜禽飼養模式規劃及具動物福祉概念畜禽場之生產、生理及行為等表現評析。實施方法為蒐集國際上在經濟動物福祉評估指標之文獻資料,並就不同畜禽種類(如豬、雞、牛)進行整理研析,以完成畜禽動物福祉評估指標之研析報告。另針對國內已引進動物福祉概念生產模式之豬場與雞場(至少五場),就其人道飼養模式進行輔導諮詢並就該等畜牧場所飼養之畜禽生產、生理及行為等表現進行評析,期能在確保產業效益之前提下,逐步提升動物福祉,與世界潮流相接軌。
The subjects of this project include 1. Searching for the information and the literature on development of animal welfare issue from advance countries, 2. Assessing physiological and productive performance of the farm animals in some poultry or pig farms managed with animal welfare concept, 3. Discussing and developing a management plot which is suitable for our local environment. The purpose of this project is to promote animal welfare graduately in order to integrate into the trend of the world. Literature about animal welfare indicators for animals (e.g. pigs, poultry and cattle) will be searched and integrated and a report will be constructed at the end of the project. At least 5 poultry and pig farms already introduced with animal welfare management will be observed and assessed for the physiological responses and the production performances. It is reasonable to anticipate that the benefit of completing this project will be to fulfill animal welfare demand in our country and to integrate into the world trend with assurance of farmer's profit.