The present paper first describes the copy of 48 Stories of Filial Piety: A Complete Collection of Poems and Illustrations which is kept at the Institut d'Etude Han Nom, Hanoi, and then introduces whatever is known about its author, Teng Hui-chuo, Next is discussed how this book came into being and what its two sources were, After an investigation into the identity of their authors and the editions Teng Hui-chuo used, it is shown that Teng Hui-chuo went to China to have the woodblocks for his book carved, and the locality and date of this event are subjected to scrutiny Peculiarities in the choice or form of characters reflecting Vietnamese imperial name taboos are demonstrated next, and in the final partof this paper, the contnts of the 48 Staries are compared to the 24 stories of filial piety common in China and the changes undertaken by T eng Hui-chuo are pointed out.