By several family system's concept, such as precaution against natural calamitous and burglary and emergency integrate security management system by the Internet, Mobil phone, WebCam, the wireless sensor network, and so on technical conformity, lets the home security monitor and the management by the wisdom pattern, the prevention accident and disaster's occurrence, with safeguards the life security. WSN is applied in different occasions, such as elderly nursery, family safety system…etc. It's more and more popular to combine WebCam and wireless sensors in digital families for these years. For traditional family surveillance system, efficiency depends on the quantity of installing cameras. It cannot be monitored everywhere due to the high price and rigid recording. The purpose of this research is to present WebNet System developing by a few WebCam and wireless sensors, applying family safety and staff tracking through computers or Mobil phones. WebNet System uses mainly ZigBee Sensor and ZigBee Location Node to build indoor tracking location system, sending ZigBee information to WebNet through ZigBee gateway Interface. WebNet controls the current status and analyze the relative positions and start WebCam to track in the mean time. WebNet sends out SMS or emails to the house owner who can remote control through computers or Mobil phones if emergency. This research compares WebNet and traditional surveillance system and the result shows that this research has an outstanding out coming.