本研究計畫所欲探問的色彩偏好現象根基於過去所進行的色彩認知當中對於色彩進行分類化(categorization)處理的心理機制特性,因此也屬於較高層次(認知)的色彩偏好行為。色彩偏好是重要的應用研究領域,過去的相關研究當中獲得許多描述性的研究成果,解釋色彩偏好行為的研究數量較少,相關的理論包括生態色彩的理論、色彩情緒的理論、以及偏好色彩聯想理論。本研究計畫規劃兩個實驗,實驗一檢視色彩類別當中的焦點色(Foci color)所攜帶的典型性是否成為影響色彩偏好的因素,實驗二以自由色彩聯想作業,試圖整合本研究理論觀點與另一以認知心理為基礎的偏好色彩聯想理論之間的關聯性。
This research project focuses on the phenomenon of color preference grounded on categorical color perception. Categorical color perception is a critical mechanism within the process of higher level of visual cognition. The physical parameters of color preference had drawn much attention from applied research areas, but relatively few of previous studies addressed the underlying mechanism of the behavior of color preference. There are three existing color preference theories: Ecological adaptation theory, color-emotional theory, and color association theory. The project proposes the theory of typicality-color preference, and executes two experiments to examine the theories.