目的:本計畫擬探討臺灣山地原住民族(泰雅族)承受高海拔低壓低氧及急性運動造成氧化傷害之比較研究,包括氧化壓力與運動表現。背景:臺灣原住民其中的泰雅族,世代長期居住在臺灣中北部山區與山央山脈兩側的高山地區。目前研究已知不同種族在糖尿病的患者,其體內抗氧化酶 superoxide dimutase (SOD) 與glutathione peroxidase (GPx) 活性不相同,然而目前對低氧所造成的氧化傷害的機轉研究瞭解十分有限。高地低壓低氧環境會造成氧化壓力的上升,而急性的運動也會增加氧化壓力,目前臺灣尚未有不同族群在低壓低氧環境下刺激所造成的氧化壓力的研究。方法:受試者包括,相仿身高、性別、體重、年齡配對12 名臺灣山地原住民族(泰雅族)與12 名漢人,藉由分組實驗,進行高地環境介入與運動刺激,分析其血液樣本,探討臺灣山地原住民族(泰雅族)與一般漢民族抗氧化傷害的差異性。
Purpose: To study Taiwanese upland indigenous’ (Atayal tribe) oxidative stress including oxidative damage and exercise performance in response to low pressure, hypoxia and acute incremental exercise at high altitude. Background: Atayal tribe, one of Taiwan upland indigenous, has traditionally located in mid-northern mountain areas of Taiwan. Patients with Type II diabetes had been shown to have race-specific differences in antioxidant enzyme activities such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). However, limited researches explored the mechanism of oxidative damage resulted from hypoxia, particularly the comparison among different races or tribes. Hypoxia environment and exercise would create more oxidative damages than in normoxia and rest. The study of different races in Taiwan, under the hypoxia environment is still not found. Methods: Subjects include 12 Atayal tribe and 12 Han people by matching for height, sex, weight and age. Blood samples are collected to investigate the different responses between upland indigenous and Han people lived at sea level and high altitude environment. In addition, an acute incremental exercise will be included to compare the differences of blood oxidative damage.