在水循環研究中,流域中的地下水扮演著至關重要的角色。其中,從降雨到表面逕流的過程中,地下水在不同流域中所扮演的角色一直是地下水研究的重點之一。相當多的不同方法一直被測試應用,其中最精準也最具有說服力的莫過於使用同位素;其中更以水的氧同位素使用最廣。然而、在使用水氧同位素研究中,應用於安山岩區的研究一直未受到應有的重視。本研究區域位於大屯火山群的七星山和小觀音山鞍部中,本火山群最近有學者認為是個活火山而且位於大台北都會區附近,加上又有非常多著名的溫泉,因此吸引有許多的研究。但是比較少研究以地下水的水氧同位素來了解地下水在安山火山趨之水文循環作用。。本校不但位於大屯火山區內,本系又剛剛購買了一套水氣氧同位素儀器(Picarro Isotopic Water Liquid Gas Analyzer L1102-i)以及野外天氣觀測站(Watch Dog 2000系列)並已接近測試完成以及近年購置之分光光譜儀(Hitachi U-2800A Spectrophotometer)。我們希望在低水位時期以及降雨前後,透過密集量測地下水、溪水、以及泉水中之氧同位素來進一步瞭解地下水在安山岩區的行為。我們選的地點在七星山和小觀音山鞍部,本區域岩層主要由火山熔岩組成,火山熔岩為七星山和小觀音山的噴發產物;局部熔岩上面被七星山噴發的火山碎屑物覆蓋,是一理想地點來測試基岩與碎屑物覆蓋間的地下水。平時低水位時期水量不大代表沿著為基岩與火山碎屑物覆蓋介面之地下水,而降雨時之地下水水量、SiO2與水氧同位素變化可做為區域水循環中重要指標並藉此來進一步了解天水在本區域水循環中的詳細運作行為。
It is well known that the role of groundwater in rainfall-runoff processes is poorly understood in Andesitic regions. Chemical tracer test is one of the most reliable means to detail the hydrological process. We are proposing an interdisciplinary study in groundwater study by using a newly installed instruments, Picarro Isotopic Water Liquid Gas Analyzer L1102-I, WatchDog 200-series weather station and Hitachi U-2800A Spectrophotometer. We have several advantages for proposing this project. First, we just purchased an isotope analyzer for both liquid and gas phase, as well as a portable weather station enable us to complete the study right in our department and to determine how the bedrock groundwater process in the study area. Secondly, we are located right in the Tatun Volcano Group(TVG); it allows us to sample effectively whenever it necessary. An intensive hydrological and hydrochemical observations during baseflow periods and heavy rain events will be conducted to detail the behavior of bedrock groundwater in TVG.