摘要: | 本研究旨在分析媒體與科學的關係,從災難發生前的氣象預警、災難發生後媒體對氣象科學與氣象科學家的建構,完整分析大眾媒體如何社會建構氣象科學與氣象科學家,批判性地分析論述之中所呈現的權力關係。希望從傳播角度看媒體如何理解並建構科學與科學家;從STS領域看媒體報導建構科學與科學家時,偏重在哪些角度,科學家如何因應。八八風災之後,國內迅速累積相關的學術評論與研究成果,領域涵蓋廣泛,然而,以八八風災及芭瑪颱風新聞論述為個案,分析媒體如何建構氣象科學與科學家,目前尚未有相關文獻。因此,本研究希望豐富研究文獻,補足相關文獻之缺。本研究以發生在2009年8 月的莫拉克颱風所造成的八八水災,及9月底、10月芭瑪颱風形成的新聞呈現,收集8到10月兩個月間的媒體論述,檢視台灣媒體如何建構氣象科學與科學家。由於八八水災是過去半世紀以來影響台灣最大的災難,故本研究將八八水災的新聞論述獨立出來進行分析,並對照之後9月底、10月初芭瑪颱風的氣象預警與新聞報導,分析芭瑪颱風的新聞論述是否受到八八水災論述所影響。
This research aims to explore the relation between media and sciences/scientists. It begins with investigating how mass media represented the warning information provided by meteorologist prior to the disaster, and after the disaster, socially constructed Meteorology and meteorologists in Taiwanese newspaper during the period of Typhoon Morakot attacking Taiwan in August 2009. Typhoon Morakot was one of the worst natural disasters to hit Taiwan in the last 50 years, reporting at least 650 deaths, 7,000 homeless and $ 1.5 billion in damage. Swelling rivers washed away bridges and spurring landslides buried an entire village. When addressing the increasing anger from the public, the President of Taiwan, Mr. Ma Ying-jeou, accused the national weather bureau of falling to predict rainfall that soaked some parts of the country. The government’s investigation arm, the Control Yuan, inquired whether the national weather bureau had a role in the extent of devastation. However, voices from professionals and academics stood out in defense of weather forecasters, arguing that the weather forecasting has its limits in prediction which stems from the uncertainty of science. In this event, newspapers acted as a public arena and aggregated voices from different actors expressing their opinions on the so-called ‘inefficient warning of weather forecasting’. Methodologically, this research collected data from major newspapers in Taiwan, including the United Daily News, the United Evening News, the China Times, the Liberty Times and the Apply Daily during the period of August and October 2009. Keywords ‘Typhoon Morakot’, ‘88 Flood’ and ‘Typhoon Parma’were used for searching related news stories. Apart from the data collected during these two months when the disaster took place, the subsequent relevant reports, e.g. critique/blaming/responsibility claiming from the public and the government, were also included in this research. In addition, reports from foreign news agencies, e.g. The New York Times was also included as a reference to this analysis because it has made some comments on the responses by the government. Theoretically, it is hoped that this research would contribute to the existing literature on the relations between media and science/scientists, e.g. trust; people’s understanding of science; and the uncertainty of science from the lens of Science and Technology Studies. It also aims to contribute to the literature on science communication. Additionally, this research will provide some suggestions for the forecasting professionals, e.g. make the forecasting understandable for lay persons, as well as for the government when making disaster management policy in the future. |