本計晝擬以史學史的概念與角度,分析《敦煌古藏文卷子》PT. 1286〈小王 家臣及贊普世系表〉、PT. 1287〈吐蕃贊普傳記〉(内中含吐蕃宰相世系表)、 PT. 1288、1.0. 750 'BM. 8212〈吐蕃大事紀年〉;以及屬同時期的歷史撰述,包括 PT. 960〈于闐教法史〉、〈于闐授記〉、PT. 1283〈北方若干國君之王統敘記〉等屬 吐蕃時期的歷史寫本。就中分析其史考、史識及史論。史考係針對各寫本如何考 索往事,採用何種方式解決史事的歧異;史識係針對各寫本如何取材,選擇入傳 與不入傳或撰寫記錄那些往事的標準與原因;史論係針對各寫本有無評論史事, 有無月旦人物,從中解析其評論的價值標準為何;復就各寫本的體裁、筆法、文 風作分析,並比較各寫本之間敘事風格的特色。經由上述的研究途徑,希望能夠 歸納出吐蕃對歷史的態度與觀念,最後整理出吐蕃的史學思想。
This project follows the discipline of historical historiography try to detail analysis《Account Tibetan Documents from Dunhuang(shog dril yig rigs)》PT.1286 archives Kings’ retainers and the lineage of Tsanpo, PT.1287Biographies of Tubo’s Tsanpo(including the Lineages of Cabinet Minister of Tubo), PT.1288I.O.750BM.8212 Chronicles of the Tubo; and the same period Tibetan manuscripts(rdo ring), archival data(khram) and historical remains(gter ma), including PT.960Yu-tien History of Dharma TeachingYu-tien History of Enlightenment MonksPT.1283History of the King’s Lineage at Northern Territory, those are documentary record during Tubo period. This has research the comparison, certification, epistemology, discourse. Comparison and certification on history has focus at reexamine the past, how to deal with the various events. Epistemology of history did consider how to sampling, set up a standard process and explain whether topics be chosen or not. Discourse of historiography has debates and argues about critics, values, and the logical reasons. Finally study those textual genre, technique and style of writing, compare their narrative character. Through the research path shown above, the author hopes generalize ancient Tibetan attitude and ideology on history, then approaching and constructing the native’s thought of Tubo’s historiography.