擺 脫 了 漢 代 以 教 化 為 主 的 思 想 制 約,六朝不僅是一個人文與審美意識逐漸興起的時代,更是一個詩歌逐漸勃興的時代。在此詩歌逐漸獲得歷史地位的過程中,伴隨著玄學發展的推波助瀾,經常帶著濃厚修道儀式內涵的玄言詩,亦逐漸出現在歷史的舞台上,在在承載了詩人主體對於當時「時空美學」的精微體驗與想像。本研究主要希望從文化研究的角度切入六朝詩人以儀式、語言輝映玄道空間之美的歷史過程,俾以探討不同階段玄言詩中書寫時空的經營過程、具體的時空審美內涵、以及其所具現的特別意義,以期為後續研究的深化提供堅實的礎石。
Getting rid of the ideologically moral constraints of the Han Dynasty(漢朝), the Six Dynasty(六朝) is not only an burgeoning age of humanism and aesthetics, but also an age of the gradually rising poetry. Under the process that poetry unhurried took its post, Xuanyan Poems(玄言詩) with the content of the rituals of Cultivating Tao, accompanying by the emerging conscious trends of Xuan-xue (玄學) of the Wei-jin(魏晉) period, also jumped up into the historical stage. Directly containing the temporary experiences of spatiality as its substantial kernels, Xuanyan poems had born the subtle experiences and imaginations that poets thought about contemporary aesthetics of space-time. This plan primarily aims, through the perspective of cultural study, firstly, to analyze the manipulations of the writing space-time; secondly to manifest the concrete connotations of space-time aesthetics; and finally, to its hidden meanings. So we can offer the further researches a concrete foundation.