摘要: | 本研究旨在探討新店地區跆拳道館學員參與動機與滿意度相關情形。研究的結果將提供相關單位作為日後活動規劃、設計之參考。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為2010年新店地區跆拳道館學員。研究工具包括「參與動機量表」、「滿意度量表」及SPSS統計套裝軟體,資料分析的個人背景變項有性別、年齡、就學階段、家庭月收入、學習跆拳道年資等5項。本量表共發放160份,回收160份回收率100%,剔除完全空白及填答不完整之無效問卷5份,有效問卷155份,有效問卷佔回收問卷之96.8%。回收之有效樣本依研究目的之需,分別採用描述統計、探索性因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費爾事後比較等統計方法進行資料處理,研究得到以下結論:性別部分,男性多於女性,且以13~15歲最多,教育程度也以國中程度最多,家庭月收入以40001~60000元最多,學習年資部分已兩年至三年(含)最多。研究發現學員的參與動機構面最高為專業需求其次為健康需求、成就需求與減壓需求,滿意度方面以教練專業能力最為滿意其次為團隊同儕關係、設備與便利性與晉級晉段規劃。參與動機方面,以學習年資為「四年以上」及「兩年至三年(含)」的學員在參與動機成就需求上均高於「一年至兩年(含)」。滿意度方面,年齡在「13~15歲」的學員在設備與便利性滿意度高於「9~12歲」學員。就學階段在「國中」的學員在設備與便利性滿意度高於「國小」學員。家庭月收入在「60001元~80000元」的學員在團隊同儕關係滿意度均高於家庭月收入在「40000元以下」及「40001元~60000 元」的學員。跆拳道學員參與動機與滿意度呈現正相關,參與動機越強烈滿意度越高。
The purpose of this research was, through the independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, posterior comparisonsin Scheff’s method, to understand the member’s participating motivation and the satisfaction toward the Taekwondo Club in Xindian Area, and to realize the status of the current spread from the views of the demographics, the Participating Motivation, and its satisfaction. The scale of 160 were returned 100% recovery rate of 160, excluding blank and the respondents are not fully complete the questionnaire 5 were invalid, 155 valid questionnaires, the valid questionnaires accounted for 96.8% of questionnaires. The result is as below:
The demographics on the club members: the majority of the members are male, aged between 13-15 years old, with, currently are students of the junior high school, their total family income is around NT$40,001~ NT$60,000, their seniority are two years to three years(including). In the participation motive aspect, the seniority as “above four years” and “two years to three years (including)” the student is higher than in the participation motive achievement demand “for a year to two years (including)”. In satisfaction aspect, age in “13~15 years old” the student is higher than “9~12 years old” in the equipment and the convenient of satisfaction. Student in junior high school student is higher satisfied than in the equipment and the convenient of satisfaction to the student in elementary school. The students that family income is around NT$60,001~ NT$80,000 are more satisfied in associates relations than the students that family income is below NT$40,000 and NT$40,001~ NT$60,000
There was positive correlation between participating motivation and satisfaction; participating
motivation is more effective , and this leads to more satisfaction .
Key words: taekwondo club, participating motivation, satisfaction |