摘要: | 目的:本研究目的在探討台北市地區大專校院學生於日常生活中之動態生活
「SF-12 量表」及「自我健康自覺量表」針對台北市地區大專校院學生為研究對
象,立意取樣方式施以取樣,實得有效樣本381 份,有效樣本回收率達90.71%。
資料以描述性統計、卡方考驗和肯得爾τ 相關進行統計分析。研究結果:研究
動態生活水準與自我健康自覺(τ =-.203, p<.001)呈顯著正相關;在背景變項方
面,不同性別在動態生活水準高等級與低等級之間有顯著差異(x2=7.223, p<.05);
學校別在心理健康達顯著差異(F =5.76, p<.05)。結論:台北市地區大專校院學
生以低動態生活族群居多,且每日坐式活動時間平均長達6.15 小時;男性之動
Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the college students’ relationship between active living and self-related health in daily life in Taipei city. Methods: Subjects were college students in Taipei city. The “International Physical Activity Questionnaire”, “SF-12 Scale”, and “Self-related Health Questionnaire” were used as the assessment tool. The samples based on proportional stratified cluster sampling were collected, of which 381 samples were valid. The return rate was 90.71%. The analysis used the SPSS statistical software package. First, descriptive statistics were
computed. Then, the data were analyzed by using chi-square test and Kendall's tau, τ. Results: The statuses of active living and self-conscious for health on college students are clearly weak. Research analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between active living level and the self-conscious on health(τ =-.203, p<.001)at the .05 level. And the active living level has significant difference in different sex(x2=7.223, p<.05). Furthermore, the difference of private and public college in SF-12_MCS is obvious(F =5.76, p<.05). Conclusions: First, the group with lower active living was much more among the college students in Taipei city, and the average duration of sedentary daily was up to 6.15 hours. Then, male’s active living
was significantly higher than female. Third, public school’s mental health was
significantly higher than privacy school. Fourth, the higher of active living level, the better of self-related health was. |