本研究主要以「虛擬社群之會員經營」結合「Mega Event Marketing之大型事件行銷策略」兩個面向作為切入點,探討Facebook粉絲專頁的經營者是透過何種策略以開發、經營粉絲專頁,並試圖找出後續在網友間傳遞之「口碑傳播效果」。研究以網路問卷及深度訪談進行研究資料的搜集,網路問卷共蒐集310份有效問卷,而深度訪談則針對臺北國際花卉博覽會營運總部宣傳行銷中心、Facebook粉絲專頁經營者及網路行銷傳播領域相關學者進行訪談。研究結果發現:(一)花博官方Facebook粉絲專頁人口變項之大致輪廓傾向於「男性、年輕、高教育程度」,顯示花博粉絲在網路社群中可能扮演著傳遞新事物的創新者;(二)花博官方Facebook粉絲專頁之粉絲網路使用特質大致上傾向於「重度網路使用者、重度Facebook使用者、以娛樂及社交為目的」,顯示花博粉絲可能扮演著網路意見領袖的角色;(三)就現階段而言,以活動性質為導向的Facebook粉絲專頁適合做為口碑傳播平台;(四)未來要在Facebook粉絲專頁操作行銷策略時,針對其重度Facebook參與程度的使用族群為成功關鍵;(五)整體而言,花博官方Facebook粉絲專頁深具口碑傳播效力;(六)花博官方Facebook粉絲專頁口碑傳播狀況會與花博官方對於社群的經營及整體行銷產生正向關連影響
This research combined “the management of virtual community members” and “the Mega Event Marketing strategies” as its investigation points to discuss what kind of strategy the managers of Facebook’s fan pages used to develop and manage the fan page. Moreover, the Word-of-Mouth effects diffused between the cyber friends were found out subsequently. The research information was collected by the internet questionnaires and the in-depth interviews. There were 310 effective responses from the internet survey; besides, the personnel of the marketing center of Taipei International Flora Exposition headquarter, the managers of Facebook’s fan page, and the scholars in the internet marketing and communication field were invited to receive the in-depth interviews.
The research results are shown as below.
I. The demographic statistics of the flora exposition’s official Facebook’s fan page mostly belonged to “those who were male, young, and highly-educated”, showing that the flora exposition’s fans might play the roles as innovators to convey the new messages.
II. The users’ characteristics of the flora exposition’s official Facebook’s fan page mostly belonged to “those who were heavily addicted to the internet, those who were heavily addicted to Facebook, and those with purpose of entertainment and social contact”, showing that the flora exposition’s fans might play the roles as opinion leaders on the internet.
III. In terms of the current status, the activity-oriented Facebook’s fan pages is appropriate for being a communication platform for words of mouth.
IV. Focusing on the users who are heavily addicted to Facebook would be the key for success when operating the marketing strategies on Facebook’s fan pages in the future.
V. In conclusion, the flora exposition’s official Facebook’s fan page has the powerful words of mouth indeed.
VI. The Words-of-Mouth on the flora exposition’s official Facebook’s fan page had positive effects on the flora exposition’s management of the communities and the whole marketing strategies.