線上社群以各式的型態存在於網路當中,例如線上論壇、線上遊戲、即時通訊服務,或是留言版,使用者參與其中目的在獲取知識、分享資訊、享受娛樂,以及滿足人際關係的需求,且也已是十分普遍的行為。文獻與實務中已瞭解到線上社群的營運對於特定市場之行銷工作有正向的影響,並且發現參與社群者向社群內成員消費者的意願是高於社群外成員。本研究擬著重在此原因的討論,並以SIDE Model為基礎,提出群體認同對群體辨識與交易信任間關係的調節:群體辨識較凸顯的情境但個體辨識較不明顯時,群體認同高者對組內之信任會高於組外,但低群體認同者對組內與組外的信任則無差異。此外,當個體辨識較高但群體辨識較低時,自我揭露則是影響交易信任的重要變數。由於過去所有研究已確認信任是線上交易意願的最重要前提因素,故在本研究中不再重複討論兩者間關係。本計畫擬建置線上論壇,執行實驗法驗證各假說。
Users participate in online communities for acquiring knowledge, sharing information, entertainment, and fulfilling interpersonal needs. According to previous researches and observing in practice, we realize the operating of online communities would positively influence the marketing performance in specific market and found that people who participate in an online community will possess higher transaction intention with other who is in-group member. Present study focuses on discussing the reasons of this phenomenon. Base on SIDE Model, we propose that member’s group identification would moderate the relationship between salient group identity and the transactional trust with in-group and out-group member. Also, this study propose other’s self-disclosure is the determinant of trust evaluation for members when individual identity is salient and group identity is unobvious. We plan to build online community for conducting an experiment for examining hypotheses.