In this study, we estimated the results of domestic and oversea references and col-lecting questionnaires by using linear regression of quantified data about female entre-preneurship. Besides, through understanding the effects of feminine gender role on en-trepreneur motivation and intervention of family structure in gender role and entrepre-neur motivation can serve as estimation methods not only for female entrepreneur but also for entrepreneur training organizations, even as improving economic development.
By quota sampling, the questionnaire survey was launched to 25~45-year-old women who live in Taipei City and New Taipei City. The reason why Taipei City and New Taipei City both are important business metropolis and commercial hubs in Taiwan where whole values and family structures of the women live can fit our need and sam-pling, they can definitely understand the content and the questions in the questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed from 1st April to 5th May in 2011. One hundred and seventy-four questionnaires were collected totally and unfinished 74 copies were eliminated. The valid response sample was 102 copies which account for valid response rate of 58.62%.
According to the result, masculine characteristics in female gender role have sig-nificant effect on entrepreneur motivation. Besides, the types of family structure repre-sent significant intervention in female gender role and entrepreneur motivation.