本研究探討母品牌態度與品牌延伸評估之關係,同時探討消費者的品牌意識特質對於上述關係的干擾效果。本研究採用實驗法,分為預試和正式實驗兩階段,皮夾為延伸產品,研究對象為大學生。預試之目的為篩選出正式實驗所需的品牌(高母品牌態度/低母品牌態度、中度延伸相似度和高度品牌熟悉度),預試結果篩選出優衣庫/Uniqlo為高態度品牌,Hang Ten為低態度品牌。在正式實驗時,以虛擬情境及製作廣告傳單來操弄母品牌態度,採用高態度與低態度之組間設計,共計兩個實驗方格,每一實驗方格樣本數各為80人,有效回收樣本為138人,而品牌意識則以組內設計的方式處理,回收問卷後再根據該品牌意識特質之平均數加減0.5個標準差作為分組之標準,將其區分為高/低品牌意識特質組。研究結果顯示,高母品牌態度相對於低母品牌態度,更能提升消費者的品牌延伸評估,而高品牌意識特質消費者相對於低品牌意識特質消費者而言,母品牌態度更正向影響其品牌延伸評估。本研究討論理論及實務上的意涵,並對未來的研究提出建議。
The study examined the relationship between parent brand attitude and brand ¬ extension evaluation, and examined the moderating effect of brand consciousness on the above mentioned relationship. The study used the experimental design including a pretest and final experiment. The purpose of pretest is to select core brands (high parent brand attitude/low parent brand attitude, high-awareness, moderate similarity). The outcome of pretest revealed that Uniqlo is the high attitude brand, and Hand Ten is the low attitude brand. The experimental design was 2(parent brand attitude, high/low) between-subjects factors × 2(brand consciousness, high/low) within-subjects factors design. Each experimental treatment of between-subjects factors design was assigned to 80 students. We used average scores of brand consciousness with plus/minus 0.5 standard error to divide into the high/low group of brand consciousness. The result showed that parent brand attitude was positively affect brand extension evaluation and comparing to consumers with lower brand consciousness, parent brand attitude more positively affects the brand extension evaluation for the consumers with the higher brand consciousness. This study discusses the implication for the theory and practices, and suggestions for the future study.