In earlier years of development, business in Taiwan had not yet matured in taking its proper share of responsibility for environmental protection. As for the part of the government, the pursuance in economic development was put as the leading goal among policy priority thus the government had long been inactive in environment issues and in implementation of the safeguard measures and strategic initiatives. When economic development and growth attained a certain stage, maybe not too long ago from the recent, many environmental problems and challenges in the country emerged where the occurrence and frequency of fatal natural disasters can no longer be ignored. People of all walks begin to incorporate environmental factors in various decision making processes: Will a particular act violate environmental responsibili-ties? The business sector, alike, also starts to take environmental responsibility issues seriously as part of their corporate social responsibility concern.
This study applies Logistic, Tobit and OLS regression models to examine if there is a positive relationship among the integrity of good corporate governance, corporate performance and corporate environmental responsibility while the latter is measured by a proxy variable on paying the recycling fees honestly and correctly. Empirical results are as follows:
(1) When corporate governance indicator is measured by the number of independent directors, it has a statistically significant positive effect on the probability of pay-ing disposal fees honestly.
(2) When market indicator is measured by the Tobin’s q, it has a statistically signifi-cant positive effect on the probability of paying disposal fees honestly.
(3) Company size has a statistically significant positive effect on the probability of paying disposal fees honestly.