本研究目的主要在探討廣告訴求類型對品牌廣告態度與聯合品牌態度關係之干擾效果。本研究採用實驗法,以虛擬的運動型MP3做為聯合品牌產品,研究程序分為預試和正式實驗兩階段,預試目的在篩選出正式實驗所需之6個母品牌(3個MP3品牌及3個運動類品牌)以組成聯合品牌與2種類型的廣告訴求(理性、感性),預試回收有效樣本為30人。在正式實驗時,本研究以大學生為研究對象,並以虛擬情境及製作廣告傳單來操弄自變數,採用3 (MP3品牌:三星/Samsung、索尼/Sony、蘋果/Apple) ×3 (運動品牌:愛迪達/Adidas、耐吉/Nike、彪馬/Puma) ×2 (廣告訴求類型:理性與感性)的組間因子設計,共計18種實驗方格,每一實驗方格樣本數各為35人,共計回收有效樣本528份。研究結果顯示,在聯合品牌策略上,品牌廣告態度會正向影響聯合品牌態度,而不同的廣告訴求類型會干擾聯合品牌廣告態度與聯合品牌態度的關係,即理性訴求廣告相較於感性訴求廣告,品牌廣告態度更能正向影響聯合品牌態度。本研究討論研究發現在理論及管理實務上的意涵,同時對於未來的研究方向提出建議
The purpose of this study is to explore the moderating effect of advertising appeals on the relationship between attitude toward the co-branded ad and attitude toward the co-brand. The study used the experimental research including a pretest and final experiment and fictitious sports MP3 as the co-branded product. The purpose of pretest is to select 6 core brands (3 MP3 brands and 3 sports brands) and 2 advertising appeals (emotional/rational appeal). The usable samples consisted of 30 participants. The final experiment design used descriptive paragraphs stating the fictitious situation, and a scanned picture of MP3 to manipulate independent variables. The experiment was 3(MP3 player brands: Samsung, Sony, Apple) × 3(sports brands: Adidas, Nike, Puma) × 2(advertising appeals: emotional appeal, rational appeal) between-subjects factors design. Each experimental treatment of between-subjects factors design was assigned to 35 college students. The data were provided by 640 students. The results indicated that attitude toward the co-branded ad positively affected attitude toward the co-brand. In addition, advertising appeals moderated the relationship between attitude toward the co-branded ad and attitude toward the co-brand. This study discusses the implication for the theory and practices, and suggestions for the future study.