摘要: | 本文旨在針對兒少安置機構主管領導風格、組織文化與機構工作人員離職傾向之間的關係。為達此目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,加以探討分析,以建立研究架構。以「機構工作人員背景資料調查表」、「主管領導風格評量問卷」、「組織文化評量問卷」及「離職傾向評量問卷」作為研究的主要工具,採用問卷調查法並以普查的方式進行資料蒐集,研究對象以桃園縣兒童福利教養安置機構計有8所,其機構工作人員、生輔員、社工員,合計94位為抽樣本。以全面普查郵寄問卷方式,經回收篩檢後,有效問卷計92位。
一、 兒少安置機構機構工作人員或生輔員以女性居多;將近六成具有大學學歷;服務年資近六成在三年以下及七成五的比例月薪在二萬至三萬之間。
二、 不同背景變項之機構工作人員知覺機構主管在領導風格上有差異。
三、 不同背景變項之機構工作人員知覺在機構組織文化上有差異。
四、 不同背景變項之機構工作人員知覺離職傾向上有差異。
五、 機構主管領導風格、組織文化與離職傾向之間有相關存在。
六、 機構主管領導風格、組織文化可預測機構工作人員離職傾向。
This study intends to explore the relationship among leadership, organizational culture and agency staff turnover intention in the child and youth placement institutes. To reach this goal, related literature is reviewed to establish the research framework. The "Agency Staff Background Questionnaire," "Leadership Style Assessment Questionnaire", "Organizational Culture Assessment Questionnaire" and "Turnover Intention Assessment Questionnaire" are used as the main tools used as measurement to collect data, There are eight legislated child and youth placement institutes included in Taoyuan County for this census survey. The agency staff and social workers, totaling 93are included as the survey sample and get 92 valid sample with 98.9%return rate. The findings are followed as:
1.First of all, child and youth placement agencies’ staff are mostly women; Near sixty percent have a university degree; of service in the past three years and near sixty-five ratio between the monthly salary of 20,000 to 30,000.
2.Secondly, agency staff with different background variables perceived various leadership style in the placement institutes.
3.Thirdly, agency staff with different background variables perceived various organizational culture in the placement institutes.
4.Fourthly, agency staff with different background variables perceived various turnover intention in the placement institutes..
5,Fifthly, there is positive correlation relationship among leadership, organizational culture and turnover intention.
6, Finally, leadership and organizational culture have a moderate predictability toward agency staff turnover intention.
The suggestions for the child and youth placement institutes, supervision of legislated administration and further research are also proposed in this study. |