本研究目的在探就品牌社群參與、品牌社群整合與顧客忠誠度之關係。本研究採用調查法並透過網路問卷收集資料,總共調查蘋果電腦使用者社群、Window Xbox玩家社群、LOMO Taiwan Group、Nissan Taiwan club、BMW motor club、裕隆納智捷籃球隊球迷社群、蘋果電腦使用者社群、SONY PSP玩家社群、紐約洋基棒球隊球迷俱樂部、L.A Lakers Fan’s club等九個虛擬品牌社群之成員,共計回收了229份有效問卷。研究結果顯示品牌社群參與程度正向影響品牌社群整合,品牌社群整合正向影響顧客忠誠度,但品牌社群參與程度不會影響顧客忠誠度。路徑分析結果顯示品牌社群參與並不會直接影響到顧客忠誠度,而是透過品牌社群整合之中介關係影響顧客忠誠度。作者討論此發現在理論以及行銷管理實務之意涵,同時對未來的研究方向提出建議。
The study examined the relationship between brand community participation, brand community integration, and consumer loyalty Data were collected from an online survey to members of virtual brand communities, including Window Xbox players’ forum, LOMO Taiwan Group, Nissan Taiwan club, BMW motor club, fans community of Yulon basketball team, Apple users’ community, Sony PSP players group, Yankees’ fans club, and L.A Lakers Fan’s club. Total 227 members provided the effective data. The results revealed that brand community participation influenced brand community integration and consumer loyalty positively; brand community integration influenced consumer loyalty positively. Moreover, the results of path analysis revealed brand community integration mediated the relationship of brand community participation and consumer loyalty. The authors discussed the implications for theory and managerial practices and suggested directions for the future study as well.