在大陸地區目前經濟活動中,保證仍屬實際上運用較多之債之擔保方式。為解決信貸擔保中存在之擔保主體紊亂及擔保方式扭曲等問題及發揮保證制度之功效,中國大陸特別在「擔保法」保證一章中,為諸多頗具特色之規定。如要求保證人須具清償債務能力、對保證人之資格加以限制、要求保證合同需要式、保證責任以連帶保證為原則、將保證期間與短期訴訟時效混為一談等等,凡此種種,可知中國大陸運用立法以解決實務問題及保障債權人之苦心,殊堪贊許。惟在法理上、相應之救濟途徑及配套制度上,則稍嫌不足。中國大陸欲發展市場經濟,則如何利用及完善法令以促進資金融通及商品流通,堪值深思! In mainland China, the most commonly used lending practice is to solicit guaranty. In Beijing's “Security Law” promulgated in 1995, the most noteworthy points are the emphasis on the guarantor's ability to repay the debt, requirements for the guarantor qualifications, the stipulation on the major elements of the guaranty contract, the enforcement of the joint suretyship, and the regulation that the short-term prescription of lawsuit should be in proportion to the duration of the guaranty period. In spite of the above efforts to protect creditors, mainland China is in short of legal principles, remedial measures, and relevant institutions for the implementation of the Security Law. Additionally, measures should also be taken further enhance monetary and commodity circulation so as to cope with the need of market economy.