摘要: | 根據行政院環保署所做民眾對環境品質滿意度調查分析之研究結果顯示,台灣地區的空氣品質一直都是居民所認知最爲關切且評價結果普遍不滿意的環境屬性項目,爲改善此一問題,各地方政府已大力執行改善防制措施,但其效果如何?必須先了解各縣市地理環境差異,再藉由每年削減的污染物總量來檢視其成效。因此,本研究希望能深入了解各地方環境負荷的差異,並藉由地方政府改善削減污染物之總量,推估各縣市防制措施是否具有成效,並提供將來應改善方向,以做爲日後各地方政府相關單位施政之參考。爲達成以上目標,本文以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)爲建立各縣市改善措施成效之評估模式,其結果將更可以精確地評估各地方政府對空氣污染改善之成效,藉此還可提供未來加強改善之方向,此外,再藉此探討成效和各地環境負荷之關係,了解其空間上的差異。因此:本文重點是以提供一種效率評估模式,來檢視各地方政府年度施政之成效和其環境負荷之關係,以做爲未來改善策略之參考。
Accoording to the study on the analysis of the common age's satisfication toward the environmental quality by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), Executive yuan, the aft quality has always been the resident's most concerned, but generally unsatisfactory, environmental problem in Taiwan. In order to improve the situation, every local government has tried hard to implement various strategies and policies. How is result? To take into consideration of the differences of geographical environment, We can examine the effects of the strategis and policies by measuring the decreasing quantity of the pollutant discharge. Therefore, it's the purpose of this study to further understand the different Caning Capacity of various local environments, and, by measuring the decreasing quantity of the pollutant discharge as a result of the local government's strategies and policies of improvement, we can estimate the effect of improving strategies and policies by each county and city This, in turn, case be used as a reference for the local government's future strategies and policies of improving air pollutant The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) will be employed as an analysis methodology for the sake of building an estimating model for the evaluation of the effect of the local government's strategies and policies of improving air pollutants In conclusion, the focus of this study will be emphasized, on the one hand, on the building of an evaluation model of the efficiency of improving strategies and policies, and, on the other hand, on discussing the relation between the effect of the implementation of the improving strategies and policies by the local government and the carrying capacity of the local places. |