本研究利用工商普查之廠商資料,分別計算台灣各都市全體服務業與生產者服務業之就業人數及相關變數資料,然後採用類似Glaeser等人(1992)與Henderson, Kuncoro and Turner(1995)之實證方法,實證台灣都市全體服務業及生產者服務業之動態外部。實證結果發現:(1)都市全體服務業有顯著之MAR專業化動態外部經濟、Jacobs產業多樣化動態外部經濟、Porter地方競爭動態外部不經濟、以及人力資本動態外部經濟;但是沒有國際機場與國際港口可及性外部經濟;(2)都市生產者服務業有顯著之MAR專業化動態外部經濟、人力資本動態外部經濟、以及國際機場可及性外部經濟等之存在;但是沒有Jacobs產業多樣化動態外部經濟、以及以國際港口衡量之可及性外部經濟之存在。
This paper employs the approach developed by Glaeser et al.(1992) and Henderson, Kuncoro and Turner (1995) to empirically test the existence of the dynamic externalities in urban producer service industry in Taiwan. The literature on dynamic externalities tests has been primarily focused on the urban manufacturing industry, the present paper on the contrary aims at testing the dynamic externalities in urban producer service industry. The 1986 and 1996 Survey of Industry and Commerce data is employed to construct the variables needed for empirical tests. The major findings include: (1). The total urban service industry receives MAR dynamic economies, Jacobs' diversity economies, Porter's local competition diseconomies, and the human capital economies, while it has no external economies associated with the accessibility to international market. (2). The urban producer service industries receive the MAR dynamic economies, Porter's local competition diseconomies, human capital economies, and the external economies associated with the accessibility to the international airports, but no Jacobs' diversity economies and the external economies associated with the accessibility to the international seaports.