本研究分別於海拔500 m以下永安漁港(北部)、台中港(中部)、四湖(南部)、台東太麻里(東部)之木麻黃林暨苗栗通霄、恆春半島之相思樹造林地林進行調查,估算不同森林下層植被每公頃之生物量及碳庫存量,同時瞭解低海拔地區相思樹、木麻黃林分下層植群之組成。木麻黃(Casuarina equisetifolia)林分之下層植物生物量,以東部太麻里樣區蓄積最高,平均達3.1 Mg ha^(-1);中部四湖樣區最少僅0.95 Mg ha^(-1);相思樹(Acacia confuse)林分之下層植物生物量,以通霄樣區最高,為5.02 Mg ha^(-1),此數據亦遠大於木麻黃每公頃生物量之最高值。木麻黃林下主要生物量由馬纓丹(Lantana camara)、巴拉草(Brachiaria mutica)、大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa)、瓊麻(Agave sisalana)及雙面刺(Zanthoxylum nitidum)等組成,含碳百分比依序為馬纓丹44.92%、瓊麻40.15%、大花咸豐草40%、雙面刺43.81%。相思樹林林下主要下層生物量由大黍(Panicum maximum)、馬纓丹、扛香藤(Mallotus repandus)等組成,含碳百分比依序為大黍36.14%、馬纓丹45.12%、扛香藤43.43%。以從生物多樣性觀點論之,木麻黃林下植物種類以太麻里的歧異度最高,植物種類達40種。相思樹林下植物之物種歧異度以恆春半島最高,植物種類達36種。
Survey will be made in artificial forests of lowland areas (under 500 meter in altitudes) of north, central, south and east Taiwan. Artificial forests include Acacia confusa, Casurina equisetifolia and other recent reforested plantations. Carbon pool of understory forest in every hectare can be estimated by the total biomass of plant species measured. Realizing the composition of following forest understories: recent reforestations, Acacia confusa and Casurina equisetifolia plantations as well in natural forests of lowland Taiwan. Obtaining data of Carbon pool of understory vegetation in each representing forests of lowland Taiwan. The highest understory biomass stock of Casuarina equisetifolia stands in the areas surveyed as Taimali region, with average of 3.1 Mg ha^(-1), and the least 0.95 Mg ha^(-1) was in the Sihhu region. The highest understory biomass stock of Acasia confusa stands was Tongsiao region with 5.02 Mg ha^(-1), which also much higher them those of all research zone of Casuarina equisetifolia. The main species of understory and the percentage of carbon pool in Casuarina equisetifolia stands were Lantana camara (45.56%)、Brachiaria mutica (36.29%)、Bidens pilosa (41.64%)、Agave sisalana (40.15%)、Zanthoxylum nitidum (43.81%). The main understory species and percentage of carbon pool of Acasia confusa stands were Panicum maximum (36.14%)、Lantana camara (45.12%)、Mallotus repandus (43.43%). 40 species were identified in understory vegetation of Casuarina equisetifolia in Taimali stands indicating it highest diversity in terms of composition. The highest diversity of understory in Acasia confusa stands was observed in Hengchun region which had total of 36 species.