聯合國推動地方永續發展,在1992年6月的聯合國二十一世紀議程(UN Agenda 21)第28章即已佈署推動策略,包括:聯合國對於地方當局推動地方二十一世紀議程(LA21)的行動依據、具體目標、進行活動方式、實施手段,並於1993年1月成立執行機關(聯合國永續發展委員會),進行推動地方永續發展,建立監督機制,並以要求各國提出報告,加以普查,以及對話與論壇進行。
In 1992, world leaders at the UN Conference on Environment and Development adopted Agenda 21, the global plan of action for sustainable development, Agenda 21 included a call to local government to develop their own "local Agenda 21" outlining local priorities. This paper discusses UN Strategies for local sustainable development, including action guideline, objectives, principles, operational processes, implementation agency (UN Commission on Sustainable Development), monitoring, reporting, survey, dialogues and forums.