Though the Six Dynasty (六朝) seems as a Political Dark Age, It is really a burgeoning time of Humanistic and Aesthetic Consciousness, and also the first flourishing period of the creation of poetry. Under the process that poetry gradually took its post, Youxian Poems(遊仙詩), inheriting from the Youxian literary tradition represented by Chuci (楚辭) and Han Yuefu (漢樂府), also jumped up into the historical stage. Directly containing the temporary experiences of spatiality as its substantial kernels, Youxian Poems had born the subtle experiences and imaginations that poets thought about contemporary aesthetics of space-time. This paper primarily aims, through the perspective of the cultural study, to put the Youxian Poems back to their concrete contexture of reality, in order to disclose the very meaning of their occurrence in distinguished space-time, and to analyze the contents of them as representation of space-time. Hence, we can provide the whole research field of the space-time aesthetics of the Six Dynasty a firm and solid foundation.