摘要: | 徐訏先生(1908-1980)是一位全才作家。在小說、新詩、戲劇、散文、評論、翻譯等方面均有數量不少的作品。其中小說的創作文筆明麗浪漫;描寫人性至情纏綿癡鬱;別有一種引人的魅力。一九三九年發表於《宇宙風》的《鬼戀》為其成名之作。一九四三年復以《風蕭蕭》在《掃蕩報》連載,風靡一時。那一年出版界稱為「徐訏年」,重要作品還包括《荒謬的英法海峽》《吉布賽的誘惑》《精神病患者的悲歌》等,是為創作前期。此期作品襯倚著上海城市的布幕,呈現的是唯美風格、異域情調的奇情小說。小說作品的分界點在一九五0年,這位自認為「大都市的人」離中赴港,長期擔任教職,後期的創作有《鳥語》《爐火》《彼岸》《盲戀》《江湖行》《時與光》等,都市神話逐漸消退,取而代之的是鄉間回憶的復活,作家的筆觸向現實生活傾斜,同時出現對哲理人生的思索。綜計徐訏先生先後出版長、中、短篇小說集數十部,被稱為「最會說故事的人」。本篇論文即以徐訏先生前後二期的著名小說《鬼戀》和《盲戀》為主要文本,以傅刺的敘事理論、湯瑪謝夫斯基的動機觀念為基礎進行歸納引證分析,企圖藉由其寫作風貌以及人生觀照的探索,重顯這位一生堅持自由主義作家,透過個別自由的心靈來反映世界的可敬的面容。
Xu Y u ( 1908-1980 ) who had written numerous works on novel, poetry, prose, drama, commentary and translation, actually was an all-around writer. His novels especially are noted for those entertaining fantastic love stories which contains greater literary imagination. . In 1939,"Guei Lian "was published in the "Yu Zhou Feng" brought Xu Yu to the literary arena. In 1943, his most famous novel "Feng Xiao Xiao" which was serialized in the "Swept news" became the best seller that year. In this period, most of his novels with rhetorical devices and exotic glamour reached their peak of popularity. Xu's writing career could be divided into two parts .In 1950, Xu who called himself as an "metropolitian writer" left China to Hong-kong. Even he felt that the circumstance was not so comfortable, he continued writing. A lot of novels including "Niao Yu", "Lu Huo", "Bi An", "Mang Lian ", "Jiang Hu Xing", "Shi yu Guang" were produced then. Besides the vivid characteriziation and the narratinve skill in those novels, he stressed romantic attachment in the realistic settings, also religious nature could be observed. Dissussing the various features of Yu's two novels "Guei Lian "and" Mang Lian" with using the thories of Russian Formalism (Motivation theory by Boris Tomashevski and Morophology by Vladmir Propp) ,this article intends to describe a free spirit of the follower of Liberalism who kept writing in his whole life. |