台灣地區天然資源不豐富,98%以上能源仰賴進口,如何減低車輛能源的消耗與提升能源使用效率,達到能源節約與管制,為政府與人民共同努力的目標。每年國內約增加40萬輛之汽油小客車,其中國產車約佔85%左右,國際上對於車輛排放二氧化碳之議題,已採取相關管制措施,而國內針對移動污染源二氧化碳之減量尚未擬定相關管制策略。本研究係採經濟部能源局委託財團法人工業技術研究院(以下簡稱工研院)之「我國汽油小客車燃油消耗量及CO2推估結果」研究計畫,可得到「CO2排放量=車輛數×年行駛里程×CO2排放係數×修正係數」之計算公式。再以實驗室油耗(燃油經濟性;Fuel Economy)認證值及實際道路油耗值之關係式進行修正,得到CO2排放量計算公式如下:CO2排放量=車輛數×年行駛里程/(法規測試平均油耗×實際道路油耗修正係數)×0.0024(CO2排放係數)(公噸/公里)。並調查國內車輛製造廠2002年至2005年新車銷售數量,並引用交通部統計處2000年新車掛牌後1年內行駛里程資料,進行1年內新車二氧化碳排放量推估。本研究推估2002年至2005年各車廠之1年內新車二氧化碳排放量,以中華汽車公司達226萬公噸為最高,餘車廠為國瑞汽車公司為199萬公噸、裕隆汽車公司為157.7萬公噸、福特汽車公司為123萬公噸、太子汽車30.9萬公噸、本田汽車公司41.7萬公噸、三陽汽車公司為24.3萬公噸、台塑汽車公司為7.4萬公噸。
Taiwan is an island with limited natural resources, and 98% of its energy resources must be imported from other countries. The common goal of the government and the people of Taiwan is how to conserve the transportation energy and promote energy efficiency in order to achieve energy conservation and environmental protection. The average annual growth of gasoline-consuming cars is about 400 thousand, 85% of which are domestic made. The CO2 emission from transportation is now a major global issue. However the policy of CO2 reduction has not been planned out the government in Taiwan. This research is to study the equation of "CO2 emission=number of cars × annual mileage × CO2 emission coefficient × correction coefficient" from the project, "The result of gasoline consumption by cars and the estimation CO2 emission", supported by the Bureau of Energy, MOEA. We put the laboratory gasoline consumption value and actual road test of gasoline consumption to correct the above equation to get "CO2 emission = number of cars × annual mileage/(average of test gasoline consumption by the law × the correction coefficient of actual road test of gasoline consumption) × 0.0024 (CO2 emission coefficient) (kiloton/kilometer)". Based on this equation, we estimated the CO2 emission by quoting the information of new car sale from 2002 to 2005 and the average annual mileage of one-year old cars from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.