<紅樓夢>於十八世紀被譯為韓文,儘管漢韓文語法結構不同,卻有逐字翻譯及 意譯混用情形,這是韓文發明後大量翻譯漢文典籍時常用的手法,逐字譯法大多使用在引用 句,蓋漢文引用內容大多為複數句且冗長,而韓文引用動詞出現於句之終結部分方屬正常, 故此或許是為了維持漢文原貌及敘述方便起見所採行的方法。 本譯本譯者也有完全理解原文而使用增添註釋的意譯技法,但也有不甚理解白話文意義而致 誤譯的情形。 One of the Chinese famous novel, the Hung-lou-meng was translated into Korean in 18 �� Cen.. In spite of the different grammar structure between Chinese and Korean, the translator translated it literally. The most kind of the method of literal translation were found in the quotation. It may be the Chinese quotation is composed by many sentences and the sentences are long. On the other hand the Korean quotation verb comes at the end of the sentence, it is very different from Chinese. In order to maintain the Chinese sentence structure then adopted the method of literal translation. Somewhere the Korean translation w as found adopting the paraphrase method. The translator added some comments in order to modifying the translation. But it also was found some mistakes committed by misunderstanding the vernacular Chinese.