The creative concept for the famous opera show-"Datang Imperial Queen" began from Shanghai International Art Festival 2000. At the time, Mr. Mei, BaoJiu visited the festival accompanying with deputy secretary of communist party of Shanghai committee Mr. Gong, XuePing. They discussed the feasibility to cooperate together and to recreate the show "Tai-Zhen the other biography" that originally was shown during the period of nineteen twenty. "Datang Imperial Queen" changed the way to present traditional Chinese opera. It totally removed the formality of rolling down one play in order to construct next play. It combined different types of drama and platform, utilized the combined resources of artistic and figure dancing within a single and continuous stage opera. What kind of Chinese opera shows can attract more young audience into theater? Which direction will be for Chinese opera type drama will be in the future? This is the fundamental question in the mind of almost any creative artist, and also is the final destiny for an artist for soul searching. Although my talent is limited, I tried to combine the collected stories and biography from the period of Tang Density, and to correlate the literature and contour sketched images of Emperor Tang Ming and Queen Yang GuiFei as the foundation for screen comparisons. Furthermore, re-evaluate the concepts of screen writing in the "Datang Imperial Queen", and to discuss the historical correlations with some remarks. Those historical correlations with creative figure shapes and to perform steps moving without changing body shape in the show can present the true value and meaning not only for this opera, but also for the modern Chinese opera.