摘要: | 「色彩」所指稱的現象可謂包羅萬象;在學界針對色彩所進行的研究,大致由色彩設計與心理以及色彩科學與應用兩個取向出發(例如中華色彩學會主辦之「2009色彩學研討會」)。然而無論由美學設計或是科學應用出發的色彩研究,都指出人類對色彩的感知,在不同層面具有不同的意義。要認識什麼是色彩,所牽涉到的乃是由視覺到心理,乃至文化層面的問題。本系列研究計劃探討色彩訊息被理解及收錄的認知歷程。在過去幾年的研究中,作者使用視覺心理物理實驗的方法,探討色彩的感覺記憶模式。初步的探討認為色彩記憶的編碼特性與色彩訊息的記憶有直接之關聯(朱良媛, 孫慶文, & 魏裕昌, 2007)。今年剛結案的研究計劃則探討色彩記憶的恆常性問題,參考 Jin & Shevell (1996)的實驗方法,探討色彩刺激的呈現背景與光源之變化會如何影響記憶的色彩與其中表現出的色彩恆常性現象(NSC 97-2410-H-034-025),研究結果並已於2009國際色彩視覺學會年會發表。在目前正執行的研究計畫中,本人依循研究色彩認知歷程的主軸,在既有的研究基礎上,探討有關色彩的語意(Semantics)及概念(Concept)的問題。研究參考Solso & Short(1979)及Solso(1971)之研究的實驗方法,在已初步進行的實驗基礎上,精煉調整實驗操作,建立標準實驗程序,探討色彩的語意內容是否能延伸至意像聯想。本年度的提案則計畫使用目前的研究中所建立之實驗程序標準,進一步探討色彩的概念典型性(Typicality)問題。本研究計劃的成果將可做為視覺傳達設計與數位影像傳播中應用色彩的重要參考資料。
Color is a term that carries multiple meanings among different disciplines. It can be considered, in different disciplines, as a quality of light, decorations of the world, surface properties of objects, or an important element of design. However, color is one kind of visual information that generated during the visual processing. As visual information, color can be studied by following the information processing paradigm of cognitive psychology. In the present proposal, I suggest a series of researches about the cognitive issues of color, focused on color constancy, color memory, color appearance in complex scenes, and the priming and categorization phenomena about color. In earlier research projects sponsored by the National Science Council, ROC, I and my colleagues explored the memory and constancy issues of color (NSC 97-2410-H-034-025). The research findings have been presented in the 20th Symposium of International Colour Vision Society during July 2009, at Braga, Portugal. Our recent study focused on the semantic priming effect of color and color related terms, and NSC has awarded this project a grant for one year. Based on the primitive findings of our current on-going study, I suggest to carry out a series of experiments extending the current study. In the present proposal, I plan to investigate the concept categorization of color and the typicality of color perception with new ideas of experimental design. |